Specialized Committees

Auditing Committee
The mission of Auditing Committee is to provide impartial and independent assuring and consulting services to increase added value and improve the firm’s operation. Internal auditing, through creating a systematic and organized approach, helps the firm achieve its goal by evaluating and improving the effectiveness of leadership procedures as well as risk and control management. The aim of composing the auditing committee is to aid the board perform its supervisory responsibility and improve it to acquire a plausible level of trust via:

  • Improving the effectiveness of leadership processes as well as risk management and internal controlling
  • Assuring the safety of financial report
  • Increasing the effectiveness of internal auditing
  • Guaranteeing the independence and effectiveness of the independent auditor
  • Abiding by the rules, regulations, and requirements

The Risk and Synergy Committee will be a merger between Risk Committee (established in 2008) and synergy (established in 2012). Under Total Risk Management title and using 13 main and 50 peripheral criteria, this committee will investigate the risk of main company as well as the subsidiaries of Alborz Investment Co. Other duties of Risk Committee include attending in the Risk Committees of Alborz subsidiaries, exploring and investigating the aforementioned criteria, and offering suggestions to modify the structure of such committees and risk of the subsidiaries. In the Synergy section, which has been formed in accordance with the Synergy Committee of Tadbir Economic Development Group, measures the level of synergy in the holding’s companies and based on the following criteria:

  • Identifying the instances of synergy in the group
  • Codifying practical strategies to execute the instances of synergy
  • Facilitating the synergy via participating all of the managers and unifying them
  • Codifying the annual budget of synergy in 3-month periods
  • Holding meetings to measure the level of realization of synergy plans.

Anti-Money Laundering, Financing, Credits and Bank Affairs Committee will be a merger between Anti-Money Laundering Committee and Credits and Bank Affairs Committee. Creating Anti-Money Laundering Committee was based on the procedures and instructions made by the Ministry of Economics and high council of Anti-Money Laundering. In the Credits and Bank Affairs, the main scope is supervising the loan taking procedure passed by the firms of the group.

Human Resources Development and Foreign Missions Committee will be a merger between Human Resources Management Committee and Foreign Missions Committee. This Committee will investigate the current situation of human capital and plan to improve and elevate it. In the foreign missions sections, the necessity of the foreign missions will be approved.

This committee is formed to investigate the professional qualification of managers and make suggestion for applying qualified figures as the most important factor of efficiency and excellence of Alborz Group. This committee also plays an important role regarding creating value in Human Resources Domain. It is worth mentioning that this committee is formed based on the rules and regulations of corporate governance of Tadbir Economic Development Group and its related instructions.

In order to increase the efficiency and coordination, and encourage the companies of the group, the Export and marketing Committee has been planned and formed. This committee will attempt to increase domestic as well as international market share of the group’s companies through targeting the exports domain and marketing the companies.

Developing economic relationships in the society has increased the discords which arise out of binding and executing contracts. Due to the existing broadness and complexity in the governing rules of commercial firms and their relationships, analyzing related legal claims bears a lot of complexities and difficulties, and experts are absolutely required in that regard. Therefore, the Legal Committee of Alborz Investment Group was formed to investigate the legal cases of Alborz Group.

In order to have periodic supervision on the performance of the subsidiaries of Alborz Investment Group regarding current projects as well as technical issues of the firms’ operations, including development and improvement of GMP, the meetings of this committee will be formed. Positive feedback of the committee’s meetings, which are held to assure the precise investigation of feasibility study and also technical, financial, and economic investigation of new projects, development projects, and adjust and improve current facilities, has been quite evident in the progress of the subsidiaries and will have positive results in the future

This committee will be formed to pursue the intention of the Supreme Leader regarding prioritizing the criteria and headlines of resisting economy. With a Jihadi management approach, this committee puts prioritization of the criteria and headlines of resisting economy in its meetings’ agenda. This committee will attempt to reduce costs, increase the market share of the group’s subsidiaries, aid the production and entrepreneurship, and economic affluence as its main priorities.

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