Alborz Bulk Company

Brief Introduction
Alborz Bulk Raw Materials Company, founded in 2003, is one of the biggest producers of pharmaceutical raw materials. The main goal of the company is to procure standard and high quality raw materials for pharmaceutical companies in Iran and some of the countries in the region. The company pursues its activity using experienced and skilled personnel with acceptable standards which compete with the foreign rivals.

Main Activity
Synthesis and production of raw materials; conducting research works; and commercial activities relating to the subject of company inside and outside the country.

The goal of Alborz Bulk Raw Materials Company (public joint stock) is to provide optimal services to customers using modern managerial methods, organizational principles and the modern technologies, with reliance on efficient personnel, by creating competitive advantages, continuous improvement of quality, and management of costs. The company aims to become one of three top companies in the field of production of pharmaceutical raw materials in Iran.

Alborz Bulk Company produces effective pharmaceutical materials using its skilled and experienced personnel while keeping up with the latest technologies, in due compliance with environmental principles and safety issues according to international standards. The mission of the company is to create value for its customers and promote quality in line with organizational excellence.

Production Lines and Capacities

Plant Name Capacity (Kg)
A 270,000
C1 27,500
C2 30,000
C3 5,500

Human Resources

Number of personnel: 63

Number of Personnel in Different Units
Name of Unit Total
Production 15
Warehouses and logistics 32
Administrative 16

Products by Therapy Area

Cardiovascular medicines raw materials Atorvastatin, losartan, Cyproteronacetat, Carbamazepine, Metoprolol tartrate
Analgesics raw materials Naproxen, Ibuprofen
Psychiatric medicines raw materials Gabapentin, Citalopram
Other groups, e.g. anti-alergy, antibiotic and anti-obesity medicines Cefixime, Dexamethasone, Betamethasone, Prednisolone, Gemfibrozil, Metformin, Aximetalon, Fluvoxamine Maleate, Parabon, Dextromethorphan, Triamcinolone

Business Partners

    • International partners:

Arch of India, Starway of China, Zhechem of China, Hanzhou Medisource of China, Aastrid of India, Zhwchwm of China, Synchem of China, Varman of India and Depew of China

    • Domestic Partners:

Farabi Pharmaceutical Company, Iran Hormone Company, Kosar Pharmaceutical Company, Saha Pharmaceutical Company, KimiDarou, Jabe-ibn-hayan Pharmaceutical Company, Osveh, Eksir Chemical Company, Ramofarmin Pharmaceutical Company, Samisaz Pharmaceutical Company, Hakim Pharmaceutical Company, Shafa, Dr. Abidi Pharmaceutical Company, Loghman Pharmaceutical Company

Unique characteristics
Specialized site of steroids, cephalosporin and general medicines

Certificates, Commendations Letters, Confirmations and Standards

  • ISO 9001:2008 Certificate
  • GMP Certificate for C1, C2 and C3 Salons
  • GMP Certificate for Salon C2/GMP Certificate for C3 Salon


Factory: Kaveh Industrial Estate, Saveh City, Tehran
Area: 20,000 square meters with a substructure of 80,035 square meters
Head Office: Tehran
Address: 2nd Floor, No. 2, Nik Khah Dead End, beginning of Nejatollahi Ave, Enghelab Ave, Tehran
Postal Code: 1599914713
Tel: +98 21 88940140
Fax: +98 21 88901982


